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From start to finish, we help Owners find the BEST professional options available to complete projects! #DreamTeam
Complete Architectural Design Build, Owners Management Services by experienced, licensed professionals. We help you design whatever you are building BETTER. #DreamTeam
We use value engineering techniques to find the most bang for the buck. We respect your time and money and don't want to waste your time on services you don't need.
Being a better steward of your ideas and assets is our Mission.
ArchitectLINK was born raised in Central Florida & collaborates with a team of designers and professionals educated at top Universities, who support many organizations including the Orlando Foundation for Architecture, the AIA, the Design Build Institute, and the City-lab Orlando 2+2+2 Graduate School of Design Program. Trained in Healthcare & Senior Living Design, with a background in Historic Preservation, we mentor and assist clients in all aspects of Design and Renovations from Master Planning, Programming, Feasibility Studies, Schematic Design, through Construction Documents, and Construction Administration. We are passionate about saving our owners time and money.
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Outdoor Living Room Pool Renovation
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TV: HGTV Groundbreakers, 30-minute Video Show, 5 min Clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yBNP2hRhupc
Design Studies, Master Planning featuring Work by Bill Salter AIA
For Rates and more information please contact Bil Salter at Salterlive@earthlink.net
phone 407-375-4864
TV: HGTV Groundbreakers, 30-minute Video Show, 5 min Clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yBNP2hRhupc
Author: Architectlink Design Blog(7700 Followers)
Preserve Central Florida, Preserve Baldwin Park, 2009-present (Community Advocate for Property Rights)
Business Plan Author: A 501c3 Regional Center Model for Architecture, 2011
Mentoring Non-Profit: Why Mentoring Individuals Matters, 2010
How to Make Business Decisions Regarding Facility Design, copyright 1999
How to Save a Million Dollars through Value Engineering, copyright 2000
Orlando Magazine Article: Significant Surfaces, June 2004 pg. 99-100
Orlando Magazine Article: For Art’s Sake! August 2004 pg. 99-104
Orlando Magazine Article: A Toast to Wine Cellars September 2004 pg. 98-105
Orlando Magazine Article: Captivating Kitchens October 2004 pg 99
Orlando Magazine Article: Home Design May 2004 pg 99-105
Orlando Magazine Article: Home Design July 2004 pg 99-105
Featured, Interviewed & Quoted in over 9 publications.
Interiors & Sources Magazine June 2008 CEU Series, p 45; published @ NEOCON June 2008.
Architecture Magazine May 2003 pg. 121-124.
Floor Covering Weekly; Commercial Building Products Magazine, Roppe Product Guide
RCA Product Company, Nora Flooring Products, US Green Building Council Green Guide for Healthcare
Speaker: Coverings 2000 Symposium in Orlando, Florida
Speaker: 35th Annual ASHE Conferencein Denver, CO, Ranked #1 presenter over 64 other presentations, incl Keynote speakers
Symposium Healthcare Design, 1999 Boca Raton, FL
Panel Speaker: International Conference & Exhibition on Health Facility Planning, Tampa, FL
Conference Speaker: Weinheim, Germany; Montreal, Canada; Boca Raton, Florida, Denver, Colorado
Accredited CEU Educator ASID & AIA: Canada, Ohio, NY, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Georgia, Chicago, Florida
PUBLICATION LINKS & Quotes on Design
How Life-Cycle Cost Analysis Impacts Flooring Procurement http://fmj.ifma.org/publication/?i=496688&article_id=3087652&view=articleBrowser&ver=html5#{"issue_id":496688,"view":"articleBrowser","article_id":"3087652"}
Design Connections 2016 http://healthcare.dsignconnections.com/agenda/
CEU: Rubber Flooring in Commercial Interiors http://www.interiorsandsources.com/tabid/3339/ArticleID/9998/Default.aspx
ASHE Paper: Life-Cycle Benefits of Flooring Surfaces in Health Care www.spflooring.com/SiteResources/data/files/Suzanne%20Barnes%20Study.pdf
How to Make Facility Decisions http://www.spflooring.com/SiteResources/data/files/Suzanne%20Barnes%20Study.pdf
HGTV Show: A Small Square Backyard Receives a Dramatic Makeover http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yBNP2hRhupc
Floor Covering Weekly Interview www.architectlink.com
Published 6 Feature Design Articles for Orlando Magazine, May-October 2004 http://www.orlandomagazine.com/
Environmental Building News http://www.buildinggreen.com/auth/article.cfm/2003/5/1/Floorcoverings-Including-Maintenance-in-the-Equation/
Cal Recycle publication http://www.calrecycle.ca.gov/tires/products/BizAssist/Marketing/Catalog/Flooring.pdf
CPB Magazine Making a Sustainable Case for Rubber Floorshttp://www.cbpmagazine.com/article.php?articleid=283
Nora: German Publication: Life Cycle Analysis research (page 21) http://www.nora.eu/nl/service/brochures/pdf/Umwelt_nl.pdf
Nora: Green Challenges http://www.nora.eu/service/brochures/pdf/GreenPaper_us.pdf
Interior Sources Article: http://www.interiorsandsources.com/tabid/3339/ArticleID/6130/Default.aspx
Making a Case for Sustainable Floors http://www.cbpmagazine.com/article.php?articleid=283
FM: LINK Facility Management Resources, Sustainability http://www.fmlink.com/ProfResources/Sustainability/Articles/article.cgi?BuildingGreen:200901-01.ht
Maintenance of Hard Flooring Quotes SRB Researchhttp://www.fmlink.com/ProfResources/Sustainability/Articles/article.cgi?BuildingGreen:200901-01.ht
Athletic Flooring Guide http://www.rbrubber.com/pdf/Athletic%20Product%20Catalog.pdf
Commercial Products Flooring Guide http://www.rbrubber.com/pdf/Commercial%20Catalog.pdf
Rubber Flooring Guide: Musson http://www.reedconstructiondata.com/documents/FS/catalogs/3571_004_Sheet_Rubber_Brochure.pdf
Freudenberg Building Systems Quotes https://www.usgbc.org/Docs/LEED_tsac/Freudenberg_PVCletter02-17-04.pdf
RCA Rubber Flooring Cost Guidelines http://www.rcarubber.com/flexi/trc/cost.asp
Musson Smooth Sheet Flooring Guidelines http://www.mussonrubber.com/products/stairtreads/rubber_tile/rubber_tile_500L.htm
Flexco Floors http://www.flexcofloors.com/documents/brochure/FLEXCOCatalog2010.pdf
FES Surfacing Floors: http://www.fes-surfacing.com/conserve.php
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